cầm đồ, cho vay, trả góp, bát họ, gian hàng, bán hàng, chọn ngày, tử vi, xem tướng, hướng nhà, phong thủy, tứ phủ, tam phủ, đạo mẫu, sách cúng, gia phả
Demo Pawn manage - PMQL Câm đồ
User name: Demo0660 (Demo Account), Group name: Demo
Pawn borrowers
Unsecured borrowers
Customer paid Interest
Customer pay off or a part principal
Contract to payment period
Thu và chi hợp đồng tín dụng
Contract details information
Goods can be liquidated
Buy goods liquidation
Fund cash in/out management
collection and payment without contract
Report choosing
Set application parameters
Default num days
The cycle of loan contracts, pawn contracts
Contract extension method
Automatic contract renewal
For the value "Automatically renew contract, no modification" applies to employees only. The administrator can still edit the renewal date.
Number of contract renewals
Number of days allowed to overdue loan contract
Set the number of days to allow the borrower to overdue the contract. If the loan is more past due than this amount, the mortgaged property will automatically be included in able liquidation. If the contract is an unsecured loan, the record will be moved to the debt monitoring status.
Minimum number of loan days to be paid off
Is the minimum number of days to borrow, after this number of days, customers will not be charged a settlement fee.
Service charge name
Name of storage fee
Used for pawn contracts with interest divided into fees
Name of risk management fee
Percentage of storage fee to total loan interest
Percentage of service fees to total loan interest
For a contract that wants to split the interest rate into a service fee, a storage fee or a risk management fee to reduce the interest rate without affecting the interest arising from the contract
Method of division of interest and fees
Determine how the Service Fee, Storage Fee, or risk management fee and interest rate will be prorated when making a contract. If the fee is not divided, the interest rate will remain the same. If there is a division of fees, the interest rate will be divided but still ensure that the total profit is unchanged.
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Working day: 20/09/2024Date and time format
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Hotline: +84946932083*adstruly.com@gmail.com